Page Limit

How to request more than 50 JSON:API resources.

JSON:API has a hard limit of 50 resources per page. You can read more about this decision here.

When building a decoupled site with Next.js, there are some cases, example in getStaticPaths, where you might want to fetch more than 50 resources.

We added a spec-compliant override to bypass this limit in next-drupal.


Tip: If you have a site with a large number of pages, consider using on-demand generation using fallback: blocking instead of increasing the page limit.


To override the page max size, set the following parameter in your Drupal services.yml file and clear caches.

next_jsonapi.size_max: 100 // Set your max limit here.

You should now be able to request up to 100 resources using the path field as the first field in sparse fieldsets.


The following will return 50 items (JSON:API hard limit - No override):

const articles = await drupal.getResourceCollection("node--article")

The following will return 10 items (No override):

const articles = await drupal.getResourceCollection("node--article", {
"page[limit]": 10,

The following will return 100 items (Overridden using path):

const articles = await drupal.getResourceCollection("node--article", {
params: {
"fields[node--article]": "path,title"

The following will return 60 items (Overridden using path):

const articles = await drupal.getResourceCollection("node--article", {
params: {
"fields[node--article]": "path,title",
"page[limit]": 60,

The following will return 100 items (next_jsonapi.size_max hard limit - Overridden using path):

const articles = await drupal.getResourceCollection("node--article", {
params: {
"fields[node--article]": "path,title",
"page[limit]": 999,